terça-feira, 24 de novembro de 2015

What To Wear ? | Ideas + Tips

We all wonder What to Wear and never know... even when we have more than enough clothes on our wardrobe and we ALWAYS end up wearing the same thing. Me, everyday!

Well... All you need is Pinterest.  

sábado, 21 de novembro de 2015

Staying Inspired / Motivated #6

Nothing really changed since my last "Staying Inspired / Motivated".
You know what about everybody says : "University/College is the best time of your life." why? I don't feel like it is. Lately, I'm so amused about everything that all I can say it's: "Ok", "I don't know", "I don't mind". Looks I'm lifeless.
However exists things in my mind that I'm so scared of and I shouldn't be, I'm not like this.

quinta-feira, 19 de novembro de 2015

Hair Inspiration #2


Let's admit we all want have perfect hair. But more than that we want that WOW crazy hair that looks like that it's us in hair. 
Since last post about hair and dying hair I'm more addicted than ever and I really really want to do it but I still don't have courage to.

terça-feira, 17 de novembro de 2015

Stradivarius Wishlist #2

Hello Sweeties,

Well it's about Stradivarius again, I mean... 
I don't shop for over five months or so... And the thing it's I don't have patient to go shopping. I know.. Awkward! But lately I've roaming around online shops, and I decide to do a Stradivarius wishlist because it's my favorite shop. 
