terça-feira, 24 de novembro de 2015

What To Wear ? | Ideas + Tips

We all wonder What to Wear and never know... even when we have more than enough clothes on our wardrobe and we ALWAYS end up wearing the same thing. Me, everyday!

Well... All you need is Pinterest.  

sábado, 21 de novembro de 2015

Staying Inspired / Motivated #6

Nothing really changed since my last "Staying Inspired / Motivated".
You know what about everybody says : "University/College is the best time of your life." why? I don't feel like it is. Lately, I'm so amused about everything that all I can say it's: "Ok", "I don't know", "I don't mind". Looks I'm lifeless.
However exists things in my mind that I'm so scared of and I shouldn't be, I'm not like this.

quinta-feira, 19 de novembro de 2015

Hair Inspiration #2


Let's admit we all want have perfect hair. But more than that we want that WOW crazy hair that looks like that it's us in hair. 
Since last post about hair and dying hair I'm more addicted than ever and I really really want to do it but I still don't have courage to.

terça-feira, 17 de novembro de 2015

Stradivarius Wishlist #2

Hello Sweeties,

Well it's about Stradivarius again, I mean... 
I don't shop for over five months or so... And the thing it's I don't have patient to go shopping. I know.. Awkward! But lately I've roaming around online shops, and I decide to do a Stradivarius wishlist because it's my favorite shop. 


quinta-feira, 11 de junho de 2015

Primark: Nail Buffer Block

Hi sweeties,

Story time: "In a beautiful sunny day I was in the mall with a friend and we were talking till... A woman stops us and ask If we wanted to try a new product for nails - I usually say no to everyone that stops me in the mall come on don't judge me I really like shopping - I looked at my nails and they really needed help so I accepted and she appears with an awkward thing that I've seen before but never tried because everything includes nails I'm terrible so she was talking about the brand that I don't remember while was buffing my nail with a multicolored block. When she finished I needed to admit they were looking so healthy and shiny but that was a pack with a bunch of cremes and serums that she didn't use on my nails and costed 60€ - yeep 60€ - I lost all my hopes and found that's why I don't care that much about my nails. Basically I thanked the women for the attention and spending time but I didn't had 60€ to spend. And I moved way with beautiful nails." 

So one time I went to Primark - that's the result of it - I found it ! I freaking found it and it was only 1,50€ of course I remember the day and the damn buffer flied to the bag. 

terça-feira, 31 de março de 2015

Staying Inspired / Motivated #5


Since I've been in Uni, I'm not sure about anything.
I don't know if it's cause I don't like it or I don't like the people, or both. But at the same time, I don't care about it, I don't really know what else to do, I feel kind of lost. I just want this 4 years to past very quick because I feel after Uni everything will be so much better...

So 3 quotes that I think suites my situation right now:

quarta-feira, 25 de março de 2015

Hair Inspiration #1

Heyy everybody,

For a long time I want to dye my hair, not browns or blacks, but I want it different, with color, I'm still not very sure with which color. 
I have been searching on Pinterest I've a album with some pictures that I really like. See it HERE.

So, some of my favorites: